The Older Americans Act of 1965 and its subsequent amendments provide for the establishment of a citizens’ Advisory Council to each Area Agency on Aging (AAA). The purpose of the council is to advise the AAA on all matters relating to the development and implementation of services for older adults, and guide in the development and administration of its Area Plan.
SE Washington Aging and Long Term Care has a volunteer advisory council from each of the eight-county area served. Each of these local advisory councils is comprised of a chair, vice-chair, secretary and members. Members are appointed to serve a 3-year term by the COG Governing Board. Those serving as a Trainee are approved by the SE WA ALTC Director for a 2-year term.
If you are interested in serving as an Advisory Council Member of SE WA Aging and Long Term Care Council of Governments for one of our counties (Kittitas, Yakima, Benton, Franklin, Columbia, Walla Walla, Garfield or Asotin), please see the Advisory Council Flyer link below for more information.
If you would like to apply, please click on the link below to complete the application, then send it to:
SE WA Aging & Long Term Care
Attn: Clerk of the Board
PO Box 8349
Yakima, WA 98908
If you have additional questions or if you would prefer an application be mailed to you, please contact the Clerk of the Board at 509-965-0105 or by email at
Download: Advisory Council Volunteer Flyer
Download: Advisory Council Application
Council Meetings/Accommodation
Local advisory councils are encouraged to meet a minimum of four times per year. These meetings are held in pre-determined locations in their designated county.
The Executive Advisory Council meets five times per year in February, April, June, August and November. These meetings are held at the TRAC Center in Pasco unless otherwise noted. Meetings are held from 10am to approximately 1pm. The public is welcome to attend the meetings. Persons with a disability and who require accommodation should notify the Clerk of the Board (509) 965-0105 a minimum of one week in advance of the meeting in order to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.
The Advisory Council is composed of representatives from our eight-county planning and service area:
Asotin County
Nancy Fontaine
Cynthia Slatter
Dayna Weatherly-Wilson
Mary Jackson
Linda Wells
Norma Nave (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)
Benton County
Janice Fulk
Regina Speer
Paul Singer
VACANT (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)
Betty Keller
Stephanie Carpenter
Zella Powers
VACANT (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)
Franklin County
Bob Koch
Gordon Guice
Chris Mayfield
VACANT (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)
Garfield County
Steve Kazda
Kaye Winters
Helen Burke
JoAnne Belch
VACANT (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)
Kittitas County
Lise McGowan
Michael Hendrick
Lori Skov-Fritts
VACANT (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)
Walla Walla County
Jerry Cummins
Richard Best
Chris Oliver
Linda Cortez
Marlene Howard (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)
Yakima County
Judi Harris
Arizona Falls
Kathy Medford
Fred Bichl
Carol Fredrickson
Cindy Olivas
VACANT (Trainee)
VACANT (Trainee)