Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) – Case Management in Southeast Washington
ADRC Case Management assists seniors or disabled persons over the age of eighteen along with their informal or formal caregivers to access services and provide coordination of services being received. Activities of ADRC Case Management include:
1) assessing the individual’s needs
2) developing care plans
3) arranging and coordinating services among providers
4) follow-up and reassessment to ensure that care plan is stable and meeting the individual’s needs.
These services are at no cost to the clients and are provided on a short-term basis during stabilization or transition changes.
TXIX Case Management or Medicaid Case Management
These services are available to older adults and adults with disabilities who live at home and who qualify for a Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) funded long-term care program. These programs are:
Medicaid Personal Care (MPC)
Community First Choice (CFC)
These services require both a financial and functional need qualification. ADRC Staff is able to help navigate application for these programs.
The services in these programs assist adults at risk of institutionalization to access and use services that will enable them to maintain the highest level of independence in the least restrictive setting. Less restrictive settings include at home with a state-paid caregiver, assisted living, or adult family homes. Case Managers assess a person’s needs, develop a plan for services, authorize services, and monitor the care plan to ensure a person’s needs are met.
If you are a Southeast Washington resident please contact your local county ALTC office for further information.