Need Help Accessing Services in Southeast Washington?
Accessing services and programs in your area that assist older adults and people with disabilities can be confusing. You may need guidance in finding the information and programs in your county that meet your individual needs.
Aging and Disability Resource Center
The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) can provide you with information about many services and options. The assistance can be a small as a list of phone numbers to local food banks up to assist in creating an action plan to set up services and following up on completion of the action plan.
The ADRC provides individuals eighteen and over with a disability, older adults and caregivers the ability to contact one resource in the community when trying to access needed information, services, and support. This is a free benefit is provided to an eight country area in Southeast Washington and to anyone regardless of income or financial situations.
ADRC Staff are Here to Help
The role of ADRC staff is providing individuals the support they need to make informed decisions about long-term supports and services (LTSS) to prevent or delay unnecessary institutionalization. This may include a personal interview by phone or in person, assisting with the identification of choices and services available. Some services have income and asset requirements. ADRC staff may also facilitate a decision-support process (weighing the pros and cons of various options).
ADRC services can include assistance developing an action plan, connecting to services as directed by the individual, along with follow-up.